Thursday, September 17, 2009


Katelyn and I took a trip to the zoo today with Brenda and Baby Carson (who is growing like a weed!). I took this awesome shot of a cool!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Driving to Indiana

While we were driving to Indiana last week, I made a few pit stops to take some pictures. Here are some of my favorites!

Columbus Park of Roses

I cannot believe that I have never visited this park before! How beautiful!! Katelyn was a willing participant for about 15 minutes, then was done. Luckily I got a couple of cute pictures of her before she realized what I was doing! It's getting harder and harder to get her to sit still for long:)

Blueberry Horse Show

I photographed my first horse show (for more than just the fun of it) on Saturday, September 5th at the Marshall County Fairgrounds in Argos, Indiana. This was my old 4H fairgrounds and it was really neat to go back and see some familiar faces (people and horses!). Here are some of my favorites from the day.